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Principal Message 14th October 2022
The class structure for the 2023 school year will be as follows:
- 2 x Prep Classes
- 3 x Grade 1/2 Classes
- 3 x Grade 3/4 Classes
- 2 x Grade 5/6 Classes
All classes will be staying in their current buildings. We will advertise the teachers teaching these classes on Monday 12th December.
Class requests for 2023 can be completed via an online form, which will be emailed early next week. Please do not make assumptions that previous years' requests will be honoured. It is best to put everything in writing again. Please understand that these requests are not guaranteed and that each request is assessed on its merits. Please avoid requesting specific teachers and please understand that we work very hard to ensure our class structures are the best fit for every child.
Take care everyone
Andrew Greco
A reminder to all families that all outstanding fees must be finalised by the end of Term 4. All school fees should be finalised in the year they are billed. If you are experiencing difficulty, or feel you will not be able to finalise payment please make contact with Jan at the Admin Office as soon as possible either by
phone (03) 56295933 or via email
If any families would like to set up a weekly, fortnightly or monthly direct debit schedules for school fees, please complete the Direct Debit Form below and return to the school office.
School TV Cyberbullying
Click on the link below to access this wonderful FREE Columba Resoruce
A Window Into Learning At Columba
NEXT Assembly
Friday 21st October
Congratulations to our Grade 6 debating team who competed in the school's debating competition on Thursday 15th September. After a hard-fought debate with Bunyip Primary, Columba was victorious arguing that video games are good for children.
Well done to all students who participated and worked hard to be the best they could be on the day.
Important Information for this Fortnight
We will be holding the School Fun Run’s Crazy Colour Day as a major fundraising event this year on FRIDAY 25th November! We’re doing it to raise much-needed money for our classrooms and outside play areas.
About the Day
The Crazy Colour Day is all about Fun! It will be a huge colourful mess and is undoubtedly one of the most exciting days on our school’s calendar, with everyone’s participation the aim, so please make sure they attend on the day and cheer the other kids on!
How Does My Child Fundraise?
Firstly, go to and create a student profile page. Everything to do with your fundraising revolves around this page.
Students who raise just $10 will be able to choose a prize! The more they raise, the better their reward – don’t forget to check these out in the sponsorship form! We have educated students on the dangers of doorknocking without supervision, and we encourage you to reiterate this at home. The great thing about online fundraising is that you can share the link to your child’s profile with friends and family via email, SMS and Social Media.
Online Fundraising
The easiest way to help your child raise money is through online fundraising, where students raise an average of $120. On top of raising more money, it’s also safer and easier than doorknocking and you don’t have to worry about handling money! To start fundraising online, go to your student profile page at and share your online fundraising link.
Getting Involved
Not only can you support the school and students with your sponsorship – but you can join in on the fun! We would love to welcome parents and family members to attend Crazy Colour Day. If you would like to volunteer on the day, please contact the school via email to express your interest, at
I can’t wait to see you at our event!
Please contact your school’s coordinator if this isn’t possible.
Prizes MUST be ordered between the 7th and 14th NOVEMBER* Simply visit to create/log into your Profile Page between these dates. Then click on the ‘CLAIM YOUR PRIZE’ button and follow the prompts. If you have any questions, please contact the School Fun Run team on 1800 FUN RUN and they will gladly assist!
Morning Drop Offs
A reminder to all families that our school day begins at 8:50am.
If you drop your child at school after 9:00am, we ask you to come into the office to sign them in on the iPad. This ensures we are able to track the movements of every child at Columba and know which students have arrived late.
Please do not just drop your child at admin and let them walk in after 9am, as the office does not know how they arrived at school and the child has no authority to articulate who and why they have been dropped off late.
Please know that we understand mornings can be tricky and do not always go to plan, but we ask everyone to make their best effort to arrive before 9am and before the gates get locked. If the gates are locked please walk your child into admin and sign them in (after 9am).
Thank you all for your support and understanding.
Thank you!

Well Done!
Thank you to all families that donated to our Footy Fundraiser in Term 3. The total raised was $1565!
Changes to Pandemic Management
The Victorian Government has announced that from 11.59 pm 12 October 2022 the Pandemic Declaration and associated Pandemic Orders will end and changes to isolation requirements for positive COVID-19 cases and close contacts will come into effect.Isolation Requirements
The following settings will apply to all primary and secondary schools managed and operated by Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL) from 11.59 pm Wednesday 12 October 2022:It is strongly recommended that students:
• Who test positive to COVID-19 should stay home and isolate for five (5) days;
• Should not attend school after (five) 5 days if still symptomatic;
• Who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend school until their symptoms resolve;
• Parents, guardians or carers advise the school of the COVID-19 positive test result.To assist with limiting the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses, parents, guardians and carers should be strongly encouraged to ensure that their child(ren) remain at home if they are unwell,
including if they have tested positive to COVID-19.Close Contact Requirements
Staff and students who are household or household-like contacts are permitted to continue to attend school but are now strongly recommended to:
• undertake daily rapid antigen testing five times within the seven days of their contact period
• wear a face mask when indoors and on public transport
• avoid interaction with people at higher risk of severe disease from COVID-19.
Parents, guardians and carers should continue to notify the school if their child(ren) is a household or household-like contact and is attending the school.Responding to A Confirmed Case and Household Contact
If a student receives a positive test result at any time:
1. Parents, guardians or carers should advise the School.
2. Parents, guardians or carers are recommended to register a positive Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) result on the COVID-19 Positive Rapid Antigen Test Self-Reporting Form available on the Coronavirus Victoria website as soon as possible.
3. Students who test positive to COVID-19 are recommended to isolate for a minimum of five (5) days and not attend school until their symptoms have resolved. Students who isolate as a result of a positive COVID-19 test should be supported in the same way as students with
an extended absence due to illness or injury, with learning materials provided to support their continued learning.
4. Where a student is a household or household-like contact of a positive case (that is, they have spent more than four hours with someone who has COVID-19 inside a house, accommodation, or care facility) they should inform the school that they are attending during the seven-day period.
5. Household and household-like contacts are not required to quarantine and are recommended to undertake additional safety measures in the seven days that would have been their quarantine period, including:
- undertake daily rapid antigen testing five times within the seven days
- wear a face mask indoors (if aged eight (8) and above) unless a lawful exemption applies.Whole
School Athletics Day
We are so excited that we are able to finally have our school sports day this term!Please mark Tuesday 15th of November in your diaries!We will require some parent helpers for the day. If you are able to help please email Kara Dedigama by Friday 21st of October.All students will be encouraged to wear a tshirt in their house colour for the day, if you are not sure of your child's house colour please check with your teacher or with Kara.Thank you,Kara Dedigama
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Saturday 29th October at the St James Nar Nar Goon Church 6pm.
The Confirmation Parent & Child Workshop, which is compulsory for all students making their confirmation, will be on Tuesday 18th October at 7pm at St. James Nar Nar Goon.
We are very much looking forward to sharing this next special step in your child’s faith journey.
We ask our school communities to please keep these children and families in your prayers as they continue their faith journey together.
- Confirmation Parent & Child Workshop - Tuesday 18th October at 7pm at St. James Nar Nar Goon FOR COLUMBA FAMILIES
- Confirmation Sacrament - Saturday 29th October at 6pm at the St James Nar Nar Goon Church.
What is Confirmation?
School Closure Day - Monday 31st October
School Closure Day - Wednesday 9th November
Confirmation Workshop - Wednesday 19th October
Middles Mass MP Room- Wednesday 26th October
Day for Daniel - Friday 28th October
Confirmation Sacrament - Saturday 29th October
School Closure Day - Monday 31st October
Cup Day - Tuesday 1st November
School Closure Day - Wednesday 9th November
School Sports Day - Tuesday 15th November
Grandparents Day - Friday 18th November
Buddy Mass - Foundation & Grade 5/6 MP Room -Wednesday 23rd November
Colour Run - Friday 25th November
Community Event Bunyip Comedy Night - Saturday 19th November
Grade 5/6 Swimming - 5th-9th December
School Concert - Wednesday 7th December
Whole School Transition Day (find out grades for 2023) - Monday 12th December
Grade 6 Graduation BIG DAY OUT - Tuesday 13th December
Grade 6 Graduation - Tuesday 13th December
Whole School End of year Mass at Iona Church - Wednesday 14th December
Last Day For Students 2022 (full day) - Friday 16th December
Would you, or someone you know, like to make a difference in your community?
Relief School Crossing Supervisor positions now available.
Enjoy the benefits of casual work!
Some of the great reasons to join the Cardinia Shire team as a Relief School Crossing Supervisor:
- Receive on-the-job training and your uniform is provided
- Up to 7.50 hours per school week
- Remuneration of $37.00 per hour
- Approximately 12 weeks of leave a year (School Holidays)
To apply, visit the Cardinia Shire website at
For further information please contact the
School Crossing Team on 0475 973 835 or email