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Principal Message 17th February 2023
But most of all, we wan't EVERYONE to feel included and have a sense of belonging to our school no matter what. It is Pope Francis that states "The Joy of the Gospel is for all people, no one can be excluded." So again I will take this chance to welcome all of our families, new and current but also challenge you all to welcome any prospective families who may want to choose Columba in the future.
“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets". - Matthew 7:12
Alcott House - Named After Dylan Alcott
"For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised". -Herbrews 10:36
Freeman House - Named after Cathy Freeman
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing". -Thessalonianss 5:11
Hollows House - Named after Fred Hollows
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you. - LUKE 6:37–38
MacKillop House - Named after Mary MacKillop
Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times! - Psalm 106:3
Take Care
Andrew Greco
Class Mass Wednesday 22nd March
Mutipurpose Room Columba
Starting 9:15am
3/4 & 5/6 Students
Ash Wednesday
On Wednesday 22nd February our 3-6 students will be travelling down to Iona Church to partake in the Ash Wednesday Mass. We ask parents to ensure they have completed their children's permission forms through Parent Access Module (PAM). Instructions on how to access your PAM are below.
Ash Wednesday, in the Christian church, is the first day of Lent, occurring 6 1/2 weeks before Easter (between February 4 and March 11, depending on the date of Easter). In the early Christian church, the length of the Lenten celebration varied, but eventually it began 6 weeks (42 days) before Easter. This provided only 36 days of fast (excluding Sundays). In the 7th century, 4 days were added before the first Sunday in Lent in order to establish 40 fasting days, in imitation of Jesus Christ’s fast in the desert.
It was the practice in Rome, Italy, for penitents to begin their period of public penance on the first day of Lent. They were sprinkled with ashes, dressed in sackcloth, and obliged to remain apart until they were reconciled with the Christian community on Maundy Thursday, the Thursday before Easter. When these practices fell into disuse (8th–10th century), the beginning of the penitential season of Lent was symbolized by placing ashes on the heads of the entire congregation.
In the modern Roman Catholic church, on Ash Wednesday the worshipper receives a cross marked on the forehead with the ashes obtained by burning the palms used on the previous year’s Palm Sunday. Worship services are also held on Ash Wednesday in the Anglican, Lutheran, and some other Protestant churches. Eastern Orthodox churches begin Lent on a Monday and therefore do not observe Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday February 22nd
St Joseph’s Iona – 9.30am
St John the Baptist Kooweerup – 11.30am
St James Nar Nar Goon – 2.15pm
Stations of the Cross and Reconciliation
St Joseph’s Iona –
St James Nar Nar Goon –
St John the Baptist Kooweerup -
Holy Thursday April 6th Mass of the Lord’s Supper
St John the Baptist – 7.30 pm
Good Friday April 7th
Stations of the Cross
Maryknoll 10.00am
Kooweerup 11.00am
Solemn Liturgy of the Passion
St Joseph’s Iona – 3.00 pm
Holy Saturday Vigil April 8th
St Joseph’s Iona – 7.30 pm
Easter Sunday April 9th
Holy Family Maryknoll – 8.00 am
St John the Baptist Kooweerup – 9.30 am
St James Nar Nar Goon – 10.45 am
A Window Into Learning At Columba
NEXT Assembly
Friday 24th February 2023
2:20 pm
Multi-purpose Room
with assembly lead by 3-4H
We then explored how we can apply this concept to our lives and our learning.
We know that in displaying a Growth Mindset, we:We decided to record some examples of different growth mindset thoughts through acrostic poems. Thank you to Greta, Sammy, and Nieve for sharing!
Important Information for this Fortnight
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday 21st March and Wednesday 15th March. The conferences will be 10 minutes each. All meetings will be at school in your child's classrooms.
All bookings should be made using our school's online booking system. The link to make a booking is below. The purpose of these meetings is to touch base with parents regarding
- Your child's transition to 2023
- Any new or existing learning behaviours that need to be discussed
- Clarification for parents/teachers on student learning
Bookings are availbe using the link below
Learning Leaders will soon be contacting families of those children who require a PSG (Program Support Meeting) rather tahna Parent-Teacher Meeting.
School Photographs 2023
Annual school photos will be taken on Monday, 6 March 2023.
Students are to be in full school uniform.
PRE-ORDER ONLINE (orders close at 5:00 pm on the day prior)
See the packages available and place your pre-order online.

To place your order Go to our website or scan the QR code;
Select> School Photo Pack Orders
Enter your School Access Key: BP3ZEG9U
Select the pack you want and complete the form.
Sibling photos are available for families with multiple children attending the school.
Sibling photos must be ordered online before 5pm the day prior.
** A complimentary family/sibling photograph is available for families who order an individual pack for 3 for more children at the same school. To be eligible, you must order all the individual packs first and then add the family photograph to the same shopping cart. The discount will be automatically applied.
Place your order online before 5pm the day prior, you do not need to return any paperwork.
If you have any inquiries, please contact SPARGP PHOTOGRAHY on (03) 5942 5234
This year Naplan will take place for all grade 3 and grade 5 students between the 15th -27th of March.
Teachers are currently preparing their children to sit the online testing via their iPads at school on the dates listed above.
If parents or carers are aware that their child/children will be away or absent for any part of the NAPLAN testing this year,
it is really important that you notify us at school on 56295933 or via email on
Attached above is a parent information sheet that outlines the Naplan expectations and responibilities of schools and parents.
Please click on and read this information sheet carefully.
Thanks for your ongoing support in the partnership of learning at Columba
We need your HELP!
We still have numerous families who have not set up or accessed their PAM account.
If you have not set up your PAM account, you will not receive
PAM is THE MOST important form of communication between home and school.
We need your help to make sure you are on PAM, as we have camps and excursions on this term; without PAM, you will not get the permission forms and alerts and we will not have your child's medical information.
Please see the help below
After School Pickup Reminders
Just a reminder to parents that our school start time is 8.50am. School gates will be open from 8.30am and students will be supervised whilst on the yard. This allows all parents a twenty minute window of opportunity to drop students off each morning. Students should not be left at school unsupervised before 8:30am.
All gates will be locked at 9am as all learning through the school will start at this time. If the gates are locked, you must sign your child in through the school office. We ask that you do not send your child into admin after 9am without an adult, as children cannot sign themselves in.
School finishes at 3.20pm and parents need to collect their children before 3.40pm. Children will be supervised by staff. This allows parents a 20 minute window of opportunity for pick up of your child.
If you are running late for collecting your child, please make the effort to contact the school to let us know, as all teaching staff are required to attend Staff Meetings and Professional Learning on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3.45pm to 4.45pm.
OSHCLUB run before and after school care at Bunyip Primary School Monday - Fridays and parents can set up a booking account by going into their online website parent portal located at or phone 1300 395 735.
Please see the traffic management map link below. This map is for after school pick-up, which can be a busy time in the school. I ask all adults picking children up please follow these guidelines. If everyone works together we can keep everyone safe and get everyone home within 15minutes each day.
After School Pick-up PARENT MAP 2023
We thank you for your ongoing support with school drop off and pick up.
School Fees and Concessions 2023
Please contact the school office if you need to discuss your 2023 school fee payment. All school fees for 2022 are overdue. Term 1 2023 school fee statements will be emailed shortly.
For any families that have recently received a Government means-tested health care concession card, please forward a copy of your card to the office to check your eligibility, as a fee concession may apply. The card must be in the name of the parent/fee payer for a fee concession to apply.
If you qualify for this, please contact the school as school fees will be considerably less for your family.
If any families would like to set up a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly direct debit schedule for school fees, please complete the Direct Debit Form below and return it to the school office. For any assistance regarding calculations of payments, please contact us via email at:
If your current Health Care card is due to expire this year and your card is re-issued, please send a copy of your new card details to the office as soon as possible for the concession to be checked and applied for next year's fees, if not already done so.
For more FEE INFORMATION please visit our website
2023 School Fees Concession Program Financial Hardship
Eligible Centrelink Concession Card (CCC) Holder
Information for Applicants
Aim: To assist school families experiencing financial hardship in accessing a Catholic Primary education for their child/children.
Confidentiality: At all times, the dignity and privacy of those seeking a fee concession will be respected.
Level of Concession: School office staff can advise applicants of the concessional fee to be charged. This concessional fee is fixed annually by Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited. Approved applicants will be charged only the concessional fee which will cover all standard school fees and levies including any charges remaining for camps, sports and excursions after the application of the Camps, Sports, Excursion Fund (CSEF) benefit.
Eligible Concession Cards: Centrelink issues a number of concession cards for a variety of reasons. Some cards have a generous or no income test and therefore holders of these cards are ineligible for a fee concession under Category One. Only CCC’s that are eligible for CSEF are eligible for the School Fees Concession Program.
The following CCC’s are the most common cards that are eligible for CSEF. The CCC type is specified as a two or three letter code printed on the concession card.
- YA or YAL – Youth Allowance
- PPS – Parenting Payment Single
- PPP – Parenting Payment Partnered
- DSP – Disability Support Pension
- NSA – New Start Allowance
- LI – Low Income
- FA – Family Tax Benefit
- SA or SKA - Sickness Allowance
- CAR - Carer Allowance
- ABA or ABY - Schooling Applicant
- AGE - Age Pension
- AUS - Austudy
- HCC - Health Care Card
- PTA - Partnered Allowance
- SPL - Special Benefit
- WID or WFD or WFA – Widow Allowance/Pension
- The CCC must be issued in the name of the fee payer and list the students for which the concession is to be applied.
- The expiry date of the card must be on or after 1 January of the year (2023) for which the concession is to be applied.
- If an eligible concession card expires after the start of the year, the concessional fee rate will still be applied for the entire year.
- If a family becomes eligible during the course of a school year, then a pro-rata concession may be granted.
Lodgement of Application: Application for 2023 close on Friday 23rd June 2023, please lodge your application immediately for your card to be checked and a pro-rata concession to be applied if applicable.
The following application forms must be completed and are available from the school office:
- Complete the school’s application form & the Direct Debit Request (DDR) Service Agreement (or Centrepay application form)
- Submit the completed forms and present a valid CCC for verifying and copying.
- Complete and return the CSEF application form immediately after receiving it from the school.
Important Notes:
- The concession is automatic for a parent/guardian responsible for the school fees, who holds an eligible CCC.
- Any offer of a concession is subject to the applicant entering into a DDR Service Agreement or CentrePay arrangement for a regular payment plan of remaining fees (either weekly or fortnightly payments preferred). Any default in payment may result in the concession being withdrawn.
- The Direct Debit form is available from the school office or alternatively the CentrePay application form is available online at
- A CSEF application must be submitted for a concession to be granted.
- A new application must be made for each school year.
- Where the fee account is split, the concession applies to only that portion payable by the eligible card holder.
- All families requesting, or receiving, a fee concession must notify the school should their financial circumstances change sufficiently to affect the level of concession offered or if cards are cancelled.
An application on behalf of a student may be submitted if the student is:
- a Victorian resident;
- school aged and enrolled (3) three or more days per week at a school; and
A student who meets the above requirements may be eligible if they:
- attend their nearest appropriate non-government school/campus
- reside 4.8km or more by the shortest practicable route from the school attended
Note: Eligibility is assessed when the School completes your child’s application on the Student Conveyance Allowance System
(SCAS). If approved, the allowance payable is based on the one-way distance to make the journey to and from school.
If you are eligible and wish to apply for this allowance, please click the link to the Conveyance Allowance Application Form, which must be printed and completed and returned to the school office by Friday 10th March, 2023. Late claims cannot be accepted.
Conveyance allowance rates - Money You Get Back
Private car conveyance allowance rates
Distance (kilometres) Amount paid annually 4.8 to 10 $450.18 10 to 15 $563.24 15 to 20 $675.17 20 to 25 $788.33 25 to 30 $900.26 30 to 35 $1,011.16 >35 $1,126.37 Additional student $225.19 Next nearest school (government schools only) $337.74 Next nearest additional student (government schools only) $168.82 Private bus conveyance allowance rates
Distance (kilometres) Amount paid annually 4.8 to 10 $506.15 10 to 15 $619.31 15 to 20 $731.24 20 to 25 $844.19 25 to 30 $956.33 30 to 35 $1,069.28 >35 $1,182.44 FORM - Conveyance Allowance - Bus Private travel
FORM - Conveyance Allowance application - Private Car travel only
Pupil Free Days - NO STUDENTS 2023
Monday - 24th April
Wednesday - 17th May
Monday - 10th July
Wednesday - 16th August
Monday - 6th November
2023 Dates
Ash Wednesday - Wednesday 22nd February gr 3-6 at Iona
School Photos - Monday 6th March
Labour Day Holiday - Monday 13th March
3/4 Day Camp - Tuesday 14th March
Casual Dress Day- Wear a touch of Green - Friday 17th March (more info to come)
NAPLAN - Wednesday 15th March - Friday 27th March
Junior & Middle level Mass at Columba, MP Room, 9:15 am - Wednesday 22nd March
5/6 Camp Forest Edge - 27th - 29th March (5/6 students have Thursday 30th off school)
Prep & Senior level Mass at Columba, MP Room, 9:15 am - Wednesday 5th April
End of Term 1 (Early finish 2:15pm) - Thursday 6th April
Good Friday - Friday 7th April
Easter Saturday - Saturday 8th April
Easter Sunday - Sunday 9th April
Easter Monday - Monday 10th April
Pupil Free Day - Monday 24th April
ANZAC Day - Tuesday 25th April
First Day Back Term 2 - Wednesday 26th April
Mother's Day Event - Thursday 11th May
Pupil Free Day - Wednesday 17th May
King's Birthday Holiday - Monday 12th June
End of Term 2 (Early finish 2:15pm) - Friday 23rd June
Pupil Free Day - Monday 10th July
First Day Back Term 3 - Tuesday 11th July
Book Week Dress Up Day - Thursday 10th August
Pupil Free Day - Wednesday 16th August
Round Robin Sports Day 5/6 - Friday 1st September
Father's Day Event - Thursday 31st August
End of Term 3 (Early finish 2:15pm) - Friday 15th September
First Day Back Term 4 - Monday 2nd October
Athletics Day - Tuesday 10th October
Grandparents Day - Friday 27th October
Pupil Free Day - Monday 6th November
Cup Day Public Holiday - Tuesday 7th November
Grade 6 Big Day Out Gumbya World - Tuesday 12th December
Grade 6 Graduation - Tuesday 12th December
Whole School Transition Day (find out grades for 2024) - Monday 11th December
Whole School End of year Mass at Iona Church - Wednesday 13th December
Last Day 2023 - Friday 15th December