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Columba Catholic Primary School Acknowledges the Bunurong Peoples’ of the Kulin Nation as Traditional Owners and Custodians and pay respect to their Elders past, present, and emerging.
Columba acknowledges the Bunurong’s continuing relationship to the land and waterways and respects that their connection and spiritual identity are maintained through ancient ceremonies, songlines, dance, art, and living culture.
We pay tribute to the invaluable contributions of the Bunurong and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Elders who have guided and continue to guide our work.
Principal Message 21st March 2025
Dear Parents and guardians,
As we navigate the various stages of our children's development and the ever-changing landscape of our community, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the essential qualities that truly bind us together and contribute to a positive and thriving school community and environments. For me, a school commuity is at its best when these qualities are patience, support, kindness, and love.
In a world that often demands instant results, patience is a virtue that cannot be overstated. Children, in particular, need time to learn, grow, and develop at their own pace. Extending patience to our children, to each other, and even to ourselves allows for understanding, reduces stress, and fosters a more harmonious atmosphere.
Most importantly we need to remember that we are all on this journey together, and offering support to one another is crucial. Whether it's a listening ear, a helping hand, or simply a kind word, our support network strengthens our community and reminds us that we are not alone. Let us be a source of encouragement for each other, celebrating successes and offering comfort during challenges. As a Catholic School we work hard to love those that are hard to love. It is what all the stories about Jesus teaches us about.
Acts of kindness, no matter how small, have a profound impact. A smile, a thank you, or a gesture of goodwill can brighten someone's day and create a ripple effect of positivity. Let's cultivate a culture of kindness, teaching our children to treat others with respect and compassion.
At the heart of it all, love is the glue that binds us. It is the foundation upon which strong relationships are built, and it is the driving force behind our efforts to create a nurturing and supportive environment. Let us express our love for our children, for each other, and for our community in both words and actions.
These qualities – patience, support, kindness, and love – are not merely abstract concepts; they are the building blocks of a strong and vibrant Columba school community. By practising them daily, we create an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported.
Let us work together to foster these qualities in our children and in ourselves. By doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to a even brighter future for our amazing school.
Andrew Greco
Dear Parents,
Your feedback is essential to help our school improve. This survey is part of our School Review process, which helps us identify what we're doing well and where we can get better.
Andrew Greco
HAVE YOU PAID YOUR 2024 School Fees?
2024 School Fees are Overdue
Please pay your fees as soon as you can, or contact the school to talk through your options.
or contact Meg on 0356295933 (Tuesday, Wednesdays or Fridays)
This Lent, we are called to Unite Against Poverty through Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion. Each family will be given a Project Compassion donation box, and by taking this into your home you’ll be answering the Gospels’ call to care for our global family and walk alongside the most vulnerable.
Your generous support this Lenten Season will enable Caritas Australia to provide life-changing support to communities facing poverty, food insecurity, lack of education, and water shortages, while building resilience against future challenges. Together, through faith and action, we can bring hope and opportunity to those most in need.
Please donate today.
You can support Project Compassion 2025 through the donation boxes
Or online at:
Or by calling: 1800 024 413
We ask all Columba families to return any boxes with donations to school in the week before the school holidays, 31st March - 4th April.
Thank you for standing with us, as we Unite Against Poverty this Lent.
Religious Education and Sacramental Team
A Window Into Learning At Columba
The Senior classes celebrated assembly today. The theme of assembly was Perseverance- the value of Alcott Blue house. Our grade 3 and 5 students showed perseverance when completing their NAPLAN tests this week! We are sure the grade 5-6 students will practice this value while on camp in the last week of term!
The next time we gather as a whole school will be on
FRIDAY April 4th at 12:30 PM for our
Holy Week Liturgy
Parents & families are welcome to join us!
Assemblies for Term 2
Fri 2nd May Junior assembly hosted by 1D in MPR
Fri 16th May Senior assembly hosted by 5-6K in MPR
Fri 30th May Junior assembly hosted by 1H in MPR
Fri 13th June Senior assembly hosted by 3H in MPR
Fri 27th June Whole School assembly hosted by our Social Justice Leaders in the Learning Centre
Important Information for this Fortnight
Enrolment Update – Columba
It's only March, and we've already received a significant number of Prep enrolments for 2026. If you have a child at Columba and wish to enroll a sibling for Prep 2026, please do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
In line with the 2024/25 enrolment process, Columba will adhere to our established Prep enrolment procedures. This means all Prep enrolments will close on the King's Birthday weekend, Friday, June 6th. The enrolment selection process is detailed on our website: https://columbacpsbunyip.
We are also delighted that many families are choosing Columba for their child's education, including mid-year enrolments. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate every enrolment request due to some classes reaching capacity.
Consequently, we have had to implement our waiting list management procedures. We are currently experiencing high demand for student places within our school community, and positions are limited. At present, we have waiting lists for:
- Grade 1
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
- Grade 6
We thank everyone for their continued support of our school.
Take care,
Andrew Greco
If you are considering Marist Sion College in Warragul as a high school for your child, please look into making your inquiries. Places are beginning to fill more quickly each year.
Call Marist Sion College:
or visit:

Please find the latest enrolment updates for Marist-Sion College below:
Year 7, 2027 – Current Grade 5 Students
• Applications are open until Friday 4 July 2025
• Apply via our website
• Applications are prioritised according to the DOSCEL Enrolment Policy
Year 7, 2026 – Current Grade 6 Students
• Applications closed on 30 August 2024, but limited places remain
• Late applications accepted until Friday 4 April 2025
• Apply via our website
• Applications are prioritised according to the DOSCEL Enrolment Policy
'Pupil-free days, student-free days, school closures' are days of no school for students. These are scheduled days for either Professional Development (PD) for staff, Time In Lieu (TIL) days where staff have worked overtime, or school closures where no one is at school.
Tuesday | 25th | March | - District Aths |
Wednesday | 26th | March | - Pupil Free Day |
Saturday | 29th | March |
- First Holy Eucharist Sacrament - St. James' Church, NNG at 5:00 PM |
Sunday | 30th | March |
- First Holy Eucharist Sacrament - St. Joseph's Church, Iona at 11:00 AM |
31st March | -2nd | April | - Forest Edge Camp Grade 5/6 |
Friday | 4th | April | - Last Day Term 1 (2:20 PM finish) |
Friday | 18th | April | - Good Friday Public Holiday |
Sunday | 20th | April | - Easter Sunday Public Holiday |
Monday | 21st | April |
- Easter Monday Public Holiday |
Tuesday | 22nd | April |
Pupil Free Day |
Wednesday | 23rd | April | - First day of Term 2 for all students |
Friday | 25th | April | - ANZAC Day Public Holiday |
Thursday | 8th | May |
- Mother's Day Event - Mother's Day Stall |
16th- | 23rd | May | - Catholic Education Week |
27th- | 3rd | June | - Reconciliation Week |
Wednesday | 4th | June | - Confirmation Sacrament Grade 6 |
Thursday | 5th | June |
- Disco (Prep, 1 & 2: 4 pm-5:30 pm Grade 3, 4, 5 & 6: 6 pm-7:30 pm) |
Friday | 6th | June | - Columba Feast Day Celebration (actual feast day 9.5.25) |
Monday | 9th | June | - King's Birthday Public Holiday |
Friday | 4th | July | - Last Day Term 2 (2:20 PM finish) |
6th- | 13th | July | - NAIDOC Week |
Tuesday | 22nd | July | - First Day of Term 3 for all students |
Wednesday | 3rd | September | - Indigenous Literacy Day |
Thursday | 4th | September |
- Father's Day Event - Father's Day Stall |
Friday | 5th | August | - Book Week Dress Up Day |
Thursday | 18th | September | - Last Day Term 3 (3:20 PM finish) |
Monday | 6th | October | - First Day of Term 4 for all students |
Wednesday | 15th | October | - Grandparent's Day |
Tuesday | 21st | October | - Columba Expo Open Night |
Monday | 3rd | November | - SCHOOL CLOSURE |
Tuesday | 4th | November | - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday |
Thursday | 13th | November | - Sacrament of Reconciliation - grade 3 |
Friday | 21st | November | - Colour Run |
Thursday | 4th | December | - Grade 6 Graduation 5pm-9pm |
Wednesday | 10th | December | - End of Year Mass |
Thursday | 11th | December | - Christmas Fundraiser - Movie Night |
Friday | 12th | December | - Grade 6 Gumbya World (big day out) |
Tuesday | 16th | December | - Grade 6 Guard of Honour |
Thursday | 18th | December | - Last Day of Term 4 & 2025 (3:20 PM finish) |