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Columba Catholic Primary School Acknowledges the Bunurong Peoples’ of the Kulin Nation as Traditional Owners and Custodians and pay respects to their Elders past, present, and emerging.
Columba acknowledges the Bunurong’s continuing relationship to the land and waterways and respects that their connection and spiritual identity are maintained through ancient ceremonies, songlines, dance, art, and living culture.
We pay tribute to the invaluable contributions of the Bunurong and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Elders who have guided and continue to guide our work.
Principal Message 23rd February 2024
Dear Families,
I took a stroll through our classrooms over the last two weeks and was really impressed with the routines or 'predicatble classrooms' our teachers are developing and facilitating for our children. It’s important that we all support kids with their transition into mainstream schooling. Getting kids into routines is a great way to lay a solid foundation to build learning.
One of the key ways of supporting this transition for our students is via communication. If any parent has concern relating to your child your first point of call is always the classroom teacher. Your teacher will always listen and there is no question that can’t be asked.
It’s great to see all teachers using our WSAPB (Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviours) across our school to support classroom learning. The WSAPB values are a great way of reminding all in the Columba Learning Community that we are about building positive relationships with each other, and are designed to support students, parents and teachers. I touched on these values last week, but again want to make the link for families on how we connect this to supporting student behaviour and expectations.
The core values of our Columba WSAPB, Respect, Perseverance, Inspiration, Generosity, Fairness are crucial components in each of our student's individual development. Each fortnight all classes across our school will have a specific learning focus based on one of the core values listed below. We all work with the students to connect these values and the behaviours that come from these values.
Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher grade or embarking on a journey through secondary school, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents. It means that the children are growing up!
However, for many it may also be a very anxious and stressful time for both parents and children. Parents need to be aware of their child’s feelings during any school transition and minimise anxiety so the process is an enjoyable experience for all. It is important for children to attend transition or orientation programs offered by schools. Familiarisation is often key to reducing stress levels. It is also important for parents to talk to their children about their expectations and being more responsible for their own needs.
The Specialist for this Edition
Michael sits on the Board of many organisations including the National Centre Against Bullying. In 1985 he founded CanTeen, a cancer support group for teenagers. He is the resident psychologist on Channel 7’s Sunrise and has worked as an academic, researcher and political lobbyist. Michael has written several best-selling books on parenting including ‘Surviving Year 12’.

Additional Assets
For All Future Generations
Spanning across the six weeks of Lent each year, Project Compassion brings thousands of Australian schools, parishes, and supporters together to raise funds for people living in some of the most vulnerable communities across the world.
Your generous support can help change lives today - and For All Future Generations.
Assembly is held in the Multi-Purpose Room at 2:20 PM every Friday
1 March : Prep & Junior Grades
8 March : Middle & Senior Grades
This year, assemblies will be run a little differently. Due to growth in classes and student numbers, it has been decided that the school will be split in two and each group will have their assembly and awards on alternating weeks.
Well done to all our Award Winners!
Each fortnight we focus on one of our school values: Respect, Fairness, Generosity, Inspiration, Perseverance. We model and look for opportunities to teach our students values that underpin the way we believe we should live and interact with others and with our world.
This Fortnight's Awards are for
Important Information for this Fortnight
We are holding our BIG EASTER BONAZA Raffle again this year.
The Raffle will be drawn on the last day of term 2, Thursday 28th March
Please send a chocolate egg donation to school with your child. This will go toward making hampers for our raffle prizes.
Tickets can be purchased on-line HERE
School Photographs for 2024
Annual school photos will be taken on Monday the 4th of March
School Photo Information Flyers with Access Keys will be sent home with students in the coming days.
Place your order online now to ensure the special pricing,
PRE-ORDER ONLINE (orders close at 5:00 pm on the day prior)
See the packages available and place your pre-order online.
To place your order Go to our website or scan the QR code;
Select> School Photo Pack Orders
Enter your Access Key as Provided on the flyer sent home.
Select the pack you want and complete the form.
Sibling photos are available for families with multiple children attending the school.
Sibling photos must be ordered online before 5pm the day prior.
** A complimentary family/sibling photograph is available for families who order an individual pack for 3 for more children at the same school. To be eligible, you must order all the individual packs first and then add the family photograph to the same shopping cart. The discount will be automatically applied. Bonus offer only applies to orders before 5pm the day prior to photo day.
Place your order online before 5pm the day prior, you do not need to return any paperwork.
Lost or replacement Access Keys can be requested, Select> Student Access Code Request
Students are to be in full school uniform on photo day.
If you have any inquiries, please contact us on (03) 5942 5234
Naplan will begin for Grade 3&5 students on Wednesday 13th March.
The NAPLAN Timetable is below
Wednesday 13th March - Grade 3 Writing
Thursday 14th March - Grade 3 Reading
Friday 15th March - Grade 5 Writing
(more info to following as it is a day off for grade 5 students)
Monday 18th March - Grade 3 Convention of Language
Tuesday 19th March - Grade 3 Numeracy & Grade 5 Reading
Wednesday 20th March - Grade 5 Conventions of Language
Thursday 21st March - Grade 5 Numeracy
If you have concern regarding your child sitting these NAPLAN tests, please contact your child's classroom teacher ASAP so we can work through exemptions, alternate support etc.
The next Parents and Friends meeting is on
Wednesday 6th March in the Staff Room at 9 am.
All are welcome to attend, so please come along to find out more about this wonderful group and how you might become involved.
We are holding our BIG EASTER BONAZA Raffle again this year.
The Raffle will be drawn on the last day of term 2, Thursday 28th March
Please send a chocolate egg donation to school with your child. This will go toward making hampers for our raffle prizes.
Tickets can be purchased on-line HERE
2024 Dates
Pupil Free Days - NO STUDENTS 2024
Friday 15th March - 5/6 Students ONLY PUPIL FREE DAY
Wednesday 24th April - PUPIL FREE DAY
Friday 26th April - PUPIL FREE DAY
Tuesday 11th June - PUPIL FREE DAY