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Columba Catholic Primary School Acknowledges the Bunurong Peoples’ of the Kulin Nation as Traditional Owners and Custodians and pay respects to their Elders past, present, and emerging.
Columba acknowledges the Bunurong’s continuing relationship to the land and waterways and respects that their connection and spiritual identity are maintained through ancient ceremonies, songlines, dance, art, and living culture.
We pay tribute to the invaluable contributions of the Bunurong and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Elders who have guided and continue to guide our work.
Willie Gudabi My Grandfather’s Whole Story 1992 synthetic polymer paint on canvas, 145 x 139 cm Collection of A. and B. Knight, Melbourne Image courtesy of Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne
Principal Message 27th October 2023
At this time each year, the staff at Columba work very hard to complete the process of setting class lists for the following year. While this can be a tricky process involving much consideration of many factors, it is a process we know needs careful consideration to ensure we provide the best possible learning environment for our students.
We also know that school is the formative place for young people to begin to explore a world beyond the home. They begin to discover the differences between being friends and being friendly, how to work with people who might have different views and skills, how to develop positive, respectful relationships with a broader range of people and how to deal with change.
The hope for all parents and educators is that we can best equip our young people for a world where they can be effective and affective, can work to bring change in the world and demonstrate a respect and care for all. They will move into a variety of working lives and research shows that each is likely to have a much larger number of jobs and job types than their parents.
For a child changing classes, the end of the year brings uncertainty, a little reluctance, a little excitement, a little nervousness and a little anxiety. It also brings opportunity to practice the skills they will need to enter a new workplace and form effective working relationships with co-workers.
As adults we are aware that a change of workplace means leaving those friendships we have developed in our work life. Some friendships are strong and continue outside of our work life and are nurtured and maintained in our social life. Others are replaced by new working friendships which support and engage us in our new workplace but may or may not last beyond that placement.
This is exactly what children have an opportunity to learn as they change class. Being kept with only the same group, or the same teacher robs them of the learning about how to experience change, to grow relationships, to become more quickly comfortable in new situations and to take control of what is possible in their environment.
We hope that our parents trust that we know our students well; both individually and collectively. We plan classes with great care and discussion, balancing the well-being, learning and social aspects of each child and class. We consider teacher skills and styles, support requirements and opportunities as well as the requests of the children as to their preferences for peers in their new class.
When the conversations in your house turn to next year, please look at the opportunity given to you to discuss how changing workplaces is a reality and how we grow as people each time we form new working relationships with peers and bosses. Talk to them about your experiences, about the things that worked well and please avoid tales of woe!
Through extensive consultation and consideration, Columba is making the change to straight classes in Grade 1 and Grade 2 next year. We are blessed to have had stable enrolments over the last few years, which allows for this change. Through research, we also know that it will help support the learning programs in our junior classrooms. While this will work in our junior grades, there are many other reasons our 3/4 and 5/6 grades will remain composite. We hope all parents are supportive of this change and have trust that we would only move in this direction if we knew it was to help improve student learning for our Junior students.
Prep (2 Grades) – Katelyn Sligar and Sarah Chapman
Grade 1 (2 Grades) - Kate Muccignat, Sarah Gourley & Shannon Wilton
Grade 2 (2 Grades) - Kara Dedigama, Daniel Howells
3/4 (3 Grades) – Shae Forster, Richard Greco, Donna Handley
5/6 (3 Grades) – Janine Kilmartin, Robert Miglas, Tory Parker
ART - Kylee Kinder
Performing Arts - Kelly Lucas and Ellie Wilson
Physical Education - Danielle Sharpe
Language (Japanese) - Kathryn Giles
Finance & Admin - Jan Buza
Admin - Belinda Fawkner
Deupty Principal - Caz Websdale
Principal - Andrew Greco
Returning Staff
Introducing Our New Columba
Teachers for 2024
Danielle Sharp
Danielle will be a second-year teacher in 2024. Danielle joins us from Warragul North Primary, where she has taught PE. She will also take on the sports coordinator role in 2024. Danelle is very enthusiastic about fitness and sport and her passion for teaching and for children being active is obvious. Danelle will be an amazing asset to the Columba team and I am sure will continue to provide all our students with fun and learning in PE each week.
Shannon Wilton
Sahnnon joins us from Melbourne and her most recent school was St. John’s Primary School, Mitcham. Shannon has been teaching since 2016 and has taught grades Prep-6. Shannon has a passion for teaching and learning and we look forward to her supporting our young learners to be better readers, writers and mathematicians. Shannon has recently made a tree change and moved to Warragul and is loving the Gippsland region which reminders her of home in NZ.
Rob Miglas
Rob joins us from Berwick Primary School where they have over 1000 students! Rob has taught in the classroom since 2015 and has had experience teaching junior and senior grades. Rob has a passion for student wellbeing and he values building relationships with students and creating safe and predictable learning spaces. Rob is a Bunyip local and grew up very close to Coulmba. We welcome Rob ‘home’ and know he will enjoy our very green and country feel school, even in the winter!
Well-being Team - New Role 2024
MHiPS Overview
The MHiPS Model
The model comprises a Mental Health Wellbeing Leader (MHWL) role (an experienced educator) and an evidence-based training program.
The model has been informed by a needs analysis phase which included consultation in 331 schools across metropolitan, rural and regional Victoria and more than 1000 teacher surveys. A key strength of the model’s design is that it builds on existing school wellbeing and mental health structures while helping the education and health sectors to work together.
The MHWL Role
The role of the MHWL is to build the capability of the whole school about mental health and wellbeing (identification, promotion and prevention), provide support to staff to better identify and support students with mental health needs, establish clear pathways for referral for students requiring assessment and intervention, and monitor and evaluate student progress.

We belive that children’s mental health is fundamental to their development and learning. Good mental health means having a positive sense of well-being, coping with challenges and being able to realise individual potential. Unfortunately, not all children experience good mental health. We know that our school is the ideal platform for promoting children’s mental health. Yet, without resourcing and dedicated training and support, it can be challenging for teachers to navigate increasing mental health issues in the classroom.
Developed by paediatricians, educators, psychologists, researchers, and teachers, the Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS) program upskills experienced teachers to become Mental Health and Well-being Leaders and aims to increase the capacity of Victorian primary schools to support the mental health of their students.
In 2024, Lizzy Cunningham will step into this role and work with our leadership team and counsellor, Paula Pearce, to promote positive mental health in our school as the Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader. Lizzy is a current staff member at Columba, with much experience working with parents and students. We are very blessed to have someone in the school we can trust with this position.
School Fee, Bus
and other Fee Help!
Did you know that you can get money for
All depending on your personal circumstances.
Please visit our Fees and Levies page for more information
School Fees for term 3 are Overdue
Term 4 School fees will be emailed to all families in the next two weeks. We ask that the school fees be paid in full using this term's invoice. Thank you so much to those making regular payment and to those that are up to date.
On Saturday, October 7, 2023, Israel was attacked by the Palestinian Sunni-Islamic militant group known as Hamas. It was a surprise attack that resulted in the death of hundreds of people. There have also been over a thousand people injured in these attacks.
A Prayer for Healing
A prayer for healing is one of the many prayers you can pray for Israel in their time of need. The high death toll and injuries warrant the need for prayers on behalf of the Israeli people.
Civilians were harmed in these attacks, which means everyday men, women, children, and elderly people were killed and injured in these attacks.
A prayer for healing will help bring comfort into the hearts of the people who were injured as well as those who lost family members in this tragedy. Even though we might be physically far away from Israel, our hearts go out to them.
Israel has been a hot spot for many targeted attacks over the decades; however, this was the first major attack in many years. The entire country of Israel is in need of prayers because it will now be a time of unrest and uncertainty.
Dear Lord
Please bring healing to Israel. Israel a country that is close to your heart. They have suffered much pain and hurt these past few days. Please bring peace, security, and healing into their hearts. Not only provide them with this but also provide them swift recoveries from their injuries and give comfort to the hearts of the individuals who lost their loved ones in this catastrophe.
In Jesus’ Name, I pray,
Distressing content
Online spaces should be safe for everyone, but you may sometimes come across content that is distressing – especially if it shows extreme violence or acts of terrorism.
This page has information about what to do and how to get support if you see online content that is seriously harmful and disturbing.
On this page:
How eSafety can help deal with distressing content
Resources for parents and carers
Resources for young people and kids
How eSafety can help deal with distressing content online
Under Australian law, eSafety can issue a takedown notice to an online platform or service to remove the worst type of harmful online material, or block access to protect Australian users from viewing this content. This includes content that shows, describes, promotes, incites or instructs people in violent crimes including:
- terrorist acts
- kidnapping with violence or threats of violence
- murder
- attempted murder
- rape
- torture
- suicide
- sexual exploitation of children.
If you see this type of content posted in a public place online, don’t share it – even if your intention is to help, or raise awareness. Sharing this content may cause distress to others and you may be committing a crime.
See our page on how to manage the impacts of illegal and restricted online content if you are exposed to material showing violence or acts of terrorism.
A Window Into Learning At Columba
NEXT Assembly
Friday 3rd November 2:20pm
1/2M on Prayer
Multi-Purpose Room - All Families Welcome
Congratulations to Daisy O'Loughlin for being awarded our monthly "Let Your Light Shine Award". Daisy earns this award for showing care and kindness to people who needed help outside of school. Daisy stood in and offered help to someone who was struggling on her way to school. A teacher saw this and was so proud that a Columba student wouldn't hesitate to help someone in need. Well done Daisy.
This Fortnight's Awards focused on
This is the value of Freeman House named after Cathy Freeman.
Each fortnight we focus on one of our school values: Respect, Fairness, Generosity, Inspiration, Perseverance. We model and look for opportunities to teach our students values that underpin the way we believe we should live and interact with others and with our world.
Next assembly we will award students who have shown Generosity. We are looking for examples of actions when students put others before themselves, share their knowledge or time and look after each other through generous kindness and care.
Important Information for this Fortnight
Term 4 P&F Fundraiser

Columba Tomato Fundraiser
All tomatoes are ready to order through CDF pay today
CDF PAY LINK -!/login
The 2023 tomato plants will be ready for collection on
14th November
in the Columba Primary School Multipurpose Room
1 Cherry plant $4.00 SOLD OUT
1 Truss plant $4.00 SOLD OUT
3 Truss plants $10 SOLD OUT
2 Truss 1 cherry $10 1 LEFT
1 Truss 2 cherry $10 1 LEFT
5 Cherry & 5 Truss (big box) $30 1 LEFT
The Columba School
Colour Run will be held on
Friday 17th November.
Please keep raising money to help the school and to collect some amazing prizes!
2023 Dates
Monday 6th November - Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 7th November - Cup Day Public Holiday
Friday 17th November - Columba Fun Run/Colour Run
Wednesday 22nd November - Athletics Day (Sports Day)
Tuesday 12th December - Grade 6 Big Day Out Gumbya World
Tuesday 12th December - Grade 6 Graduation
Monday 11th December - Whole School Transition Day (find out grades for 2024)
Wednesday 13th December - Whole School End of year Mass at Iona Church
Friday 15th December - Last Day Students 2023
Pupil Free Days - NO STUDENTS 2024
Tuesday 20th February - PUPIL FREE DAY
Friday 15th March - 5/6 Students ONLY PUPIL FREE DAY
Thursday 18th April - PUPIL FREE DAY
Friday 26th April - PUPIL FREE DAY
Tuesday 11th June - PUPIL FREE DAY
2024 Dates
School Fees for term 3 are Overdue
Term 4 School fees will be emailed to all families in the next two weeks. We ask that the school fees be paid in full using this term's invoice. Thank you so much to those making regular payment and to those who are up to date.
Please contact the school if you are having trouble paying your school fees.
School fees are not an option and should be paid by families who have made a commitment to Columba. If you facing financial hardship or need support with your fees, we are here to help.
Your school fees are like a normal bill or debt. The debt will accumulate and become overwhelming if not addressed. Please do not ignore the fees and work with us to get it sorted.
Please email or call or speak with the
Both can be reached at 03 56295933
School Fee, Bus
and other Fee Help!
Did you know that you can get money for
All depending on your personal circumstances.
Please visit our Fees and Levies page for more information