Specialist Subjects
Specialist Classes
Once a week students enjoy Specialist classes in the areas of:
- Visual Art
- Performing Arts
- Japanese
- Physical Education
- Digital Technologies
The Arts enable students to develop their creative and expressive capacities by learning about the different practices, disciplines and traditions that have shaped the expression of culture locally, nationally and globally. Students are both artist and audience in the Arts. They make and respond and learn to appreciate the specific ways this occurs in different disciplines.
The Arts present ideas that are dynamic and rich in tradition. The Arts contributes to the development of confident and creative individuals and enriches Australian society. Students express, represent and communicate ideas in contemporary, traditional and emerging arts forms.
The significant contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Australia’s arts heritage and contemporary arts practices are explored across the Arts, and students are encouraged to respect and value these unique and evolving traditions.
Visual Art
Visual Arts supports students to view the world through various lenses and contexts. They recognise the significance of visual arts histories, theories and practices, exploring and responding to artists, craftspeople and designers and their artworks. They apply visual arts knowledge in order to make critical judgments about their own work and that of others. Learning in the Visual Arts helps students to develop understanding of world cultures and their responsibilities as global citizens.
Students engage with, and develop knowledge of, visual arts, skills, techniques and processes, and use materials as they explore a range of forms, styles and contexts. Students use a range of materials that include, but are not limited to, paint, pencils, pastels, paper, charcoal, glue and textiles.
All students at Columba attend a 60-minute lesson each week, in a dedicated Art Room, to further develop their Visual Arts skills.
Performing Arts
Performing Arts at Columba consists of the Victorian Curriculum v2.0 areas of MUSIC, DANCE and DRAMA.
Performing Arts encourages students to develop their creative and expressive abilities by learning about the different practices, disciplines and traditions that have shaped the expression of culture locally, nationally and globally. It contributes to the development of confident and creative individuals and enriches Australian society.
MUSIC- Music has the power to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting their imagination and encouraging them to reach their creative and expressive potential. Skills and techniques are developed through participation in music learning, allowing students to manipulate, express and share sound as listeners, composers and performers. Music learning has a significant impact on the cognitive, motor, social and personal abilities of students.
DANCE- Dance encourages students to develop a movement vocabulary with which to explore and refine imaginative ways of moving both individually and collaboratively. They choreograph, perform and appreciate as they engage with dance practice in their own and others’ cultures and communities.
DRAMA- Drama enables students to imagine and participate in the exploration of their world, individually and collaboratively. Students actively use body, gesture, movement, voice and language, taking on roles to explore and depict real and imagined worlds. They create, rehearse, perform and respond using the elements and conventions of drama and emerging and existing technologies available to them. Students learn to think, move, speak and act with confidence as both performers and audience.
Grades Prep-2 students at Columba attend a 60-minute lesson each week, in a Performing Arts space, to further develop their Performing Arts skills.
The core focus of the program is to expose the students to learning and communicating in a language other than English and to develop intercultural knowledge and language awareness.
The major focus is to help students to see themselves as global citizens of the future with greater sensitivity and a deeper understanding of the Japanese people, their language and culture.
Students are encouraged to practise conversational language and to identify and imitate culturally appropriate language. The students repeat words and learn to ask and answer questions related to themselves, building a personal profile in Japanese. Students are also encouraged to join in songs, dance and art projects and to demonstrate awareness of the immersion of the Japanese language and culture.
Participation in Japanese enables students to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills to:
- communicate in the language they are learning
- understand the relationship between language, culture and learning
- develop intercultural capabilities
- understand themselves as communicators.
All students at Columba attend a 60-minute lesson each week, in a dedicated Japanese Room, to further develop their language skills and understanding.
The Victoria Curriculum v2.0 describes Physical Education as the acquisition of movement skills, concepts and strategies to enable students to confidently, competently and creatively participate in a range of physical activities. As a foundation for lifelong physical activity participation and enhanced performance, students develop proficiency in movement skills, physical activities and acquire an understanding of the science behind how the body moves. In doing so, they develop an appreciation of the significance of physical activity, outdoor recreation and sport, both in Australian society, and globally.
Lessons provide opportunities for students to develop fundamental motor skills, ball handling skills and participate in minor games learning about team-work and sportsmanship. They understand movement by exploring how regular physical activity keeps individuals healthy and identify and describe how their body moves in relation to effort, space, time, objects and people. Students learn through movement by cooperating with others when participating in physical activities and using trial and error to test solutions to movement challenges.
At Columba, students across the school compete for their house in Cross Country and Athletics. Students from Years 3 to 6 have the opportunity to represent the school and compete with other schools at the District, Division, Region and State levels in Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics. Students in years 3-6 also have the opportunity to participate in a range of sports events, for example, Hooptime Basketball, 9v9 AFL football etc.
Students at Columba attend a 60-minute lesson each week to further develop their Physical Education skills and understanding.
Grades 3-6 students at Columba participate in a 60-minute weekly lesson to explicitly learn digital technology skills, becoming more digitally literate. Learning digital skills is crucial for several reasons:
- Preparing for the future: We live in an increasingly digital world. These skills are essential for success in education, future careers, and everyday life.
- Developing digital citizenship: Teaching children about online safety, responsible online behavior, and the ethical use of technology.
- Developing essential 21st-century skills:
- Critical thinking: Evaluating information online, identifying fake news, and understanding the ethical implications of technology.
- Creativity: Designing and creating digital content, coding, and problem-solving using technology.
- Collaboration: Working with others on online projects, communicating effectively through digital platforms.
- Communication: Expressing ideas through digital media, developing online communication skills.
- Building a foundation for future learning: Early exposure to technology can foster a love of learning and encourage exploration and experimentation.
- Improving learning outcomes: Digital tools can enhance learning experiences by making them more engaging and interactive.
By introducing these skills early on, we empower children to become confident, responsible, and successful digital citizens in the 21st century.